1st Saba Waris Cup

Table Tennis Association
Lahore District Trials for 56th National Table Tennis Championship. 12-03-2021.
Lahore District Table Tennis Association has decided to conduct Lahore District Trials in anticipation of the upcoming 56th National Table Tennis Championship to be held in Lahore in April. It is advised to all Clubs of Lahore as Following:
1. Chromatex Table Tennis Club
2. Shahjahan Table Tennis Club
3. Punjab College Table Tennis Club
4. National Sports Training and Coaching Center Table Tennis Club
Intra Club Trials shall be conducted based on Best of 5 Sets Matches and the Top 5 Players Names from Each Club to be submitted to LDTTA Secretary General on Info@ldtta.pk on 17th of March.
*Any Club failed to submit a list of players along with proof of Trials/ Matches record will not be considered valid.
Those selected Twenty (20) Players will have a League on 19th and 20th of March in Nishtar Park Gymnasium from 6:00pm till 10:00pm on both days respectively. All Players will be separated into Two Groups through balloting. Two Leading players from each Group will be selected and 3rd Player from both Groups will have a play off for the 5th Spot. Final list will be submitted to the Punjab Table Tennis Association for their Final Trials/Selection of the Team.
Executive committee meeting. 06-02-2021.
In meeting of LDTTA Executive Members All important points discussed and Executive Committee unanimously approved/agreed with all the decisions.
Next weekend will be held mid of next week to conclude 1st Tournament preparations/arrangements.